Planning a trip today can be time consuming and overwhelming. Travels of Distinction™ not only arranges hotel accommodations and various modes of transportation, but, depending on the services you require, we may also be able to save you money with early booking discounts, special fares, accommodation details, and travel advisories.
Travels of Distinction™ can arrange all types of domestic and international travel, from hotel and resort accommodations to air and ground transportation, including car rental needs and tour packages. We can provide assistance with insurance protection, passport and visa applications, inoculation procedures, and other foreign travel requirements. Think of us a your own, personal concierge.
Think of Travels of Distinction™ as
your own, personal concierge.
It's much more than the best deals that provide a compelling reason to work with Travels of Distinction™. We will tailor arrangements to suit your business and/or vacation objectives, personal interests, and budget concerns. The best thing we do is to match up a traveler with the trip that's right for them by learning their interests and lifestyle, as well as their personality.
Ask us about our Travels of Distinction™ Destination Dossier™. For an additional, modest fee, we will prepare for you a personalized, custom portfolio that contains information pertaining to your destination, relative to your preferences and tastes. All the information you'll need in one, convenient document. It's a must have for anyone who wants information on their destination, but doesn't have the time to collect it!
Push the "Don't Panic" button to get started
with no obligation!
Sound like alot? Don't panic! Experience, constant industry interaction, and computer reservations systems make Travels of Distinction™ the best source for your travel plans. We make sense out of the fluctuating complexities of travel offerings. By using Travels of Distinction™, you can save yourself time, money, and frustration.
Today, with the overwhelming number of available resources for travel information (the Internet, cable television, newspapers, magazines, guidebooks, etc.), it's no wonder it's so confusing. Yet that's precisely why the services of Travels of Distinction™ are more valuable than ever.